Natively Integrated Digital Platform for a Holistic and Agile Management et|icon_check|N ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning et|icon_check|N BPM - Business Process Management et|icon_check|N DM - Document Management et|icon_check|N BI - Business Intelligence et|icon_check|N Intelligent Emails - Pre-formatted email generation et|icon_check|N Secure Authentication - LDAP, Active Directory, Facebook, Google, Github et|icon_check|N Holdings, Multinationals, Single Entity, Departmental... (public and private) et|icon_check|N Cash Flows, Budgets, Business Units, Profit Centers, Projects, Results et|icon_check|N In Cloud or On Premise b3lineicon|b3icon-skyscraper||Sky Scraper Construction b3lineicon|b3icon-umbrella||Umbrella Insurance b3lineicon|b3icon-plug||Plug Utilities b3lineicon|b3icon-gear||Gear Discrete / Process Production b3lineicon|b3icon-burger||Burger Food Production b3lineicon|b3icon-tag||Tag Sales & Distribution b3lineicon|b3icon-graduation||Graduation Universities b3lineicon|b3icon-drop||Drop Oil & Gas b3lineicon|b3icon-tray||Tray Hospitality b3lineicon|b3icon-truck||Truck Transport b3lineicon|b3icon-university||University Public Sector b3lineicon|b3icon-microscope||Microscope Research et|icon_check|N Rapid implementation based on process models: general and industry et|icon_check|N Modeling and configurations persistence in future versions. et|icon_check|N Operational and support transactions automatically result in financial and management accounting et|icon_check|N Performance tracking of any management and analysis structure et|icon_check|N Workspace customization; Intuitive access to functions - fast learning curve et|icon_check|N Management and operational systems “freed" from code, ID structures, multiple information et|icon_check|N Segmentation of definitions on the user’s responsibility level - user profiles et|icon_check|N No-Code: User configurable and remodelable management system et|icon_check|N Zero Downtime: Maintenance, Remodeling management system et|icon_check|N Single Entry Point Platform et|icon_check|N No initial budgets/investment et|icon_check|N Pay-As-You-Go Visit Website